Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shoutout Sundays: Overseas Edition

Sometimes we stumble across things that were uncertain about at the start. We approach them carefully and, where normally we'd toss them aside without a second thought, we are strangely curious about them.

Such is the case with Cha Xiu Boa

I stumbled across this blog via Michael Ruhlmans and was at first slightly confused by it. It was about food yes, but historical and philosophical about it.

The gut feeling was to run away. It was too much, it made no sense, flee while you can lest you be further confused! But I couldn’t help but return to it time and time again. The pictures and the text alone were astonishing, beautiful, and mesmerizing.

I returned to it from time to time, often finding something to chuckle at but most importantly astonished the depth at which it is written.

My feelings about Cha Xiu Boa were solidified today when I rolled over to the page to find this beautifully written and profound post entitled, Life Could Be Flavorful.

Something so simple, but at the same time deep if you think about it long enough.

I invite you all to visit Cha Xiu Boa often, and stick with it, confusing at times your brain gets used to the obvious translation difference and suddenly you’re brought into a world of a person who both loves and respects what we put into our mouths.

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